Motivation is essential to achieve any type of success whether it is in business, fitness, relationships, or even blogging. Webster’s Dictionary defines motivation as “the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action;” and “the reason for the action.”
When I started blogging I asked myself the following
questions: What type of incentive am I seeking? What will make me feel sufficient?
When will I feel that I’ve achieved enough? Basically, what was my goal or
desired outcome? The answers to these questions were very important for me because
they determined where my motivation was coming from; me or others.
First and foremost, let me state my motivation. Many don’t
know this, but for me, blogging has been a self-help mechanism. I have not always been plus size. I was
involved in an accident that left me with a back injury. Due to this injury I
could no longer run or exercise and I gained 80lbs! Family and friends stated
their disbelief of my new girth right to my face. Comments like “KIAH, WHAT
HAPPENED”! It was absolutely dreadful and I fell into a deep depression. It was
during this bout of depression that I realized the powerful influence society and media
have on people’s perception of beauty. I knew I wanted to be a part of debunking
that perception. MOTIVATION!
I love fashion. I would love fashion and pay for it even if
I weren’t a fashion blogger. I don’t blog for money and I don’t blog for
popularity, I blog to influence. A successful blog for me isn’t about page
views or how large the number is under my followers tab. I wanted to create a space
for women to come and see a larger sized girl prove that style has no size.
The other day I received an email from a follower stating that they don’t understand how and why I’m never listed as a “top
blogger” or “blogger to know” when those types of articles come out. I thanked
her for thinking that I should be, but then stated that I don’t need to be. I’m
not offended by it, and I’m genuinely happy for those who are featured. Actually, I’ve
found many fabulous blogs from such lists. I’m famous for saying “I DON’T DO
COMPETITION”. Competition is a waste of time and energy. I always tell my
daughter that there will always be somebody prettier, thinner, curvier, more
popular, more creative, and wealthier, so to just be the best HER that she
could be. I live by that same motto.
You see, being on the “list” is not what I need to feel
sufficient. I feel I’ve achieved enough simply by receiving some sort of positive contact. Shoot me an
email. Leave a comment. Click “like”. Share it! As bloggers we expect and
desire some sort of encouragement. It lets us know that somebody cares. It’s
rather discouraging to post an outfit or do a write-up and get not a one AMEN!
So I leave you with this bit of advice. Check your
motivation! What are you blogging for? Is it positive? Use blogging as an
opportunity to grow as a person not as a blog. Do it for YOU! I’ve learned so much about
myself like I’m a lot more creative than I thought I was, I’ve got pretty thick
skin, and I actually do like people (haha). I feel like for once in my life I’m actually doing something because I love it! I’ve
considered quitting numerous times during these past 5 years but then I get that
one email that tells me I have made a
difference in someone’s life and I’m reminded of why I started doing this in
the first place.
I don’t know how long I will keep doing this but I do know
that I will leave satisfied with the fact that through my motivation, this blog
has brought me many friends, opportunities, and most importantly, self-love (no matter my dress size). Mission accomplished!
Keep doing you lovely lady! Us fans (and the lurkers) will keep watching, learning and applauding!
Ok I know this is long winded, I'm going to wrap it up. My point is I've found myself measuring my gifts and talents that are God given by the number of likes and followers I have on instagram. I have found myself falling victim to the mindset that I need the affirmation of man. My motivation for starting BeautyIgnited Makeup Artistry was the Lord. Thank you for reminding me, reminding me not to take myself and this process so seriously. My times are in His hands. Thank you for being here and doing what you do. And allowing the Lord to use you as an encouragement to others.
Much Love
Much Love
Trusting Your Intuition