Today my daughter and I decided to walk around my hubby's campus (he's in seminary). We snapped a few pics during our adventure. Hope you enjoy!
I am in love with this statue on campus of Jesus washing one of His disciples feet. Such a wonderful act of humility which illustrates that He had come to serve mankind. Christ's ultimate service for mankind was his willingness to give His life for us. His example of humility, service and generosity is all the more poignant because of its contrast with the attitude of the rest of humanity. Our natural tendency is to look for ways to make others serve us. God's way, on the other hand, is unpretentious, willing service to others. Serving others God's way imposes no conditions and expects no reward: "But love (even) your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil" (Luke 6:35). This powerful scripture tells us much about God's character - that His approach is one of unbiased service to mankind.
In His service,
I bet you were the most beautiful and stilish woman about.
I am always proud to call myself your blogger friend.
The purple in the outfit makes it pop!
Love it so much!
You and your daughter took some great shots! You look wonderful..
LOve u mizz Kiah!
You look gorgeous in that dress... the hint of purple and the polka dots are just perfect.
And, of course, the statute of Jesus is a reminder that we're here to serve!
Nice job.
U are beautiful inside & out!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!