I love love love these paper bag cinch waist pants from ASOS Curve. The different colored panel inserts at the bottom are awesome! I paired them with a cropped vest and brown NYT heels then I added my leopard print dress coat that I previously wore as a dress. In the future I will be wearing this puppy with some color (possibly a bright romper/jumpsuit)! My daughter and I had lunch at KFC. I haven't been there in years! Kiah
I would like to thank my girl Gigi over at 5th Avenue Stranger for awarding me with the Best Blog Award!
I don't usually participate in this blog award thing for these reasons:
1.) It can get sorta chain mail like.
2.) I don't feel comfortable picking the 7 or however many blogs the rules say to award being that I love each and every blog that I follow.
3.) Most of them call for you to answer the same questions so they get monotonous.
I do however want to always take the time to give a "shout out" to those that award me.
Check out Gigi's blog HERE.
Most awards ask you to give 7 facts about yourself but this one also asked that you answer these questions.
I thought this was fun so here goes....
I thought this was fun so here goes....
Favorite Color: BLACK
Favorite Song: I have so many. I love Motown oldies, country, Gospel, Christian, R&B and some 80's rock. right now my favorite song is 1+1 by Beyonce.
Favorite desert: This is sorta funny being a plus size woman but I don't like desert. Cakes, brownies, ice cream...I have to be in the mood for.. which is very rare. I am however a candy junkie.
I love Now & Laters, Gobstoppers, Gummi bears and Mambas!!
Biggest Pet Peeve: I have so many! lol I would say that my biggest one is washing your hands!! I can't stand to be in the restroom and see a lady walk out without washing her hands or someone start cooking in the kitchen without washing their hands. Oh another big one is when people eat and suck the sauce and stuff off of their fingers!
When you are upset you, either: HOLLER!! O.M.Gee I holler way too much! lol I also clean when I am upset.
If the house is spotless I am either mad or stressed about something! lol
Favorite Pet: Currently I have no pets. My favorite pet is a dog. I love doggies!!
Black or White?: BLACK all day!! I'm talking Johnny Cash blacked out!! lol
Biggest Fear: Not being the best example that I can be for my daughter.
Best Feature: I am always complimented on my hair.
Everyday Attitude: I'm pretty calm and easy. I try and see the good in everybody.
What is perfection: JESUS!!
Guilty Pleasure: Shopping!! I have a problem but it makes me oh so happy!! lol
looks beautiful <3
Visit eSTKayFashion
Thanks for all the awesome comments u leave on my blog:) XOXO
Oh..and I'm lovin' that lipstick on ya. Absolutely beautiful!
Those pants are too cute!
Holler? You crack me up. I havent heard that word in years.
I love asos. I am also currently infatuated with BBC radio.
It's always good to learn more about you and I love CANDY 2! Also, JESUS is the PERFECT Answer! :D
Your answers were really interesting I love learning more about bloggers, congratulations on the award its much deserved
Bottom line--WASH YO' HANDS!!
Anita Riot
Imagination, that is the word!.
XX. Y.
sarah rose
7eventh Letter
BTW I like your new blog layout and thanks for your lovely comment. I wish I could’ve have meet Mr. Goodwill Hunting but I think he is in SC. Maybe one day….
Ah, I love doggies too!
rock it!
ooooooh look at you! you look STUNNING! Love the denim vest with the trousers! Will have to steal this idea from u! hehe!
and congrats on the award! You deserve it!
Ps- you've been killin' it with your outfit posts!
Congrats on the award!!!! So true Jesus is Perfection!
I love those blue asos pants, I have them on "wait" I want them sooooo bad. I'm just trying not to shop as much. If I still want them in a month I'll get them. LOL
Congrats on your blog award!!
<3 Marina